Believe it or not, this what I came up with to make for dinner because I hadn’t planned anything else and I had everything on hand I needed to make it. Well, mostly. Seth stopped off and picked up a couple of things we needed for it. Anyway, while the dal isn’t really all that authentic, it’s our favorite recipe and is surprisingly easy, given that it’s in The Artful Vegan. It’s actually a component of an appetizer plate, but we just make the dal and call it an entrée. Since we really like our veggies, I decided on one of our favorites from The Indian Vegan Kitchen. I love that book- the recipes are surprisingly easy and authentic. Well, what I imagine authentic, home-cooked Indian meals to be, never having visited India. Anyway, I still had some pre-shredded slaw mix on hand which I used to make the cabbage. I wish I’d been thinking more clearly because I forgot it already had carrots in it. The recipe calls for carrots too, so we had very carroty veggies. Not a bad thing necessarily, but I prefer it with a little less. Oh- just a tip about IVK, she has a higher heat tolerance than I do so I cut back on the heat a little. A few weeks ago, I made the naan recipe in Vegan Eats World. I stored the leftovers in the freezer. Somehow we hadn’t gobbled it all up yet so I thawed out the last two pieces, smeared it with some vegan butter, sprinkled it with chopped parsley and popped it in the oven to warm up for a few minutes. Now, I completely love Vegan Eats World and every single recipe I’ve made so far has been amazing, but I will say this: it’s worth buying the book just for the naan recipe. I have been trying for years to make homemade naan, with very little success. This recipe is as good as the stuff I used to get at restaurants before going vegan. Seriously. Make the naan. (hint: it also makes wicked good tiny pizzas)
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