Wednesday, January 9 Taco Time! Gutenfleisher’s Taco Filling Rating 4.25 - VEGANesp

Wednesday, January 9 Taco Time! Gutenfleisher’s Taco Filling Rating 4.25

Here in Atlanta we are lucky to have two amazing vegan bakeries. One of them, Dough Bakery, also has a vegan deli inside called Gutenfleisher’s. Yes, a vegan deli. Where they make their own vegan meats. One of the things we really love (in addition to the amazing food and treats at Dough) is that they have a great grab and go case where you can take home everything from breakfast biscuits - with things like vegan egg, cheese and sausage on them – to cinnamon roll bread pudding. We grabbed a bag of taco meat the last time we were there and popped it in the freezer to have on hand when we needed a quick meal. I wasn’t feeling great, so we decided to make it taco night. It heats up really easily in a pot or a pan (thaw first if it’s frozen) so you can have dinner on the table in no time flat. We use about half a bag for one meal and just put the rest back in the freezer. Seth made some more salsa and a big salad and I made some ranch dressing (Cookin’ Crunk, y’all) and we called it dinner. 


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