So when I made the chickpea shawarma last weekend, I had to buy a big giant container of yogurt because apparently, no on makes small containers of vegan, plain unsweetened yogurt. This meant I had a huge container left over that really needed to be used before it went bad. Since we love the naan recipe in Vegan Eats World, I planned a meal around it. If you don’t have Vegan Eats World, go get a copy right now. Then make the naan. You won’t be sorry. It takes a little time to do, but a lot of it is rising time. You’ll need about 30 minutes at the skillet to cook the loaves (there are 8 and each one needs about 6 minutes in the pan) so plan accordingly. I cook the naan while the rice & samosas cook and the curry simmers. Last time, I didn’t use enough garlic in mine, so I remedied that. You don’t have to add the garlic, but we love it, so we always do. I press my garlic rather than chopping it, so I went with two tablespoons instead of three and it was perfect. The bread was really garlicky, but that’s how we like it, so yes. The book that probably gets the most use in my kitchen is Appetite for Reduction. I love it for a number of reasons – the recipes are mostly pretty easy to make, they’re healthy and amazingly delicious. This is also the book that got Seth eating kale, so it has a special place in my heart. The Curried Chickpeas and Greens is one of our favorites in AFR. I rarely use canned beans, since we plan our meals in advance, we always buy dried beans and soak/cook them about a day in advance so they’re all ready to go – just like having a can in the cupboard and way cheaper – and that’s what I did this time, but the recipe calls for canned so use whatever you want. Bulk bins are one of my favorite things ever and we’re lucky enough to have two stores with tons of organic bulk items within walking distance. Anyway, back to the curry. I did a couple of things wonky here. One was, that the only size cans of crushed tomatoes I can seem to find are ginormous. Way bigger than the recipe calls for at any rate. The last time I made it, I stuck the leftover tomatoes in the freezer, which I thought was very clever of me. That way I’d have about the right amount for the next time, right? Uh, yeah, this only works if you don’t have 3 containers (all unlabeled) that look pretty much the same. Sigh. I did find the right one, but it was slightly less than I actually needed and so the curry was a tiny bit drier than we like. It was still really good, but could’ve used more tomatoes. The other problem was that I got in a hurry with the kale and didn’t do a good job of chopping it so the pieces were a bit bigger and didn’t cook down as well as I would’ve liked. Oh well. Still a yummy dinner. Oh, and the samosas are Sukhi’s brand – we find them frozen at Whole Foods. (Buy them on sale – they’re stupid expensive.)
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