So the last week was kind of a crazy one for us. We spent the first part of the week prepping for a camping trip and didn’t make anything for dinner other than veggie burgers or sandwiches. We may have had one or two snafus with Seth’s new camera and on nights we did actually cook, we didn’t have any photos to share. Anyway, we headed into the woods on Thursday, with plans of making a grilled pizza. I had the crust from Whole Foods, the veggies, the Daiya cheese and realized we forgot the sauce. We also had another camper stop by while we were still setting up our site, so we just grilled some Field Roast Frankfurters instead. No pics were taken. Friday night we did actually cook and take pics, but they were pretty bad. The food was good – we beer battered tofu, asparagus, broccoli and onion rings and deep fried them along with potato wedges in a pot of oil on the camp stove and dipped them in ranch dressing (Cookin’ Crunk) and BBQ sauce. Not healthy, but we only do it once a year. Grease gets everywhere when deep-frying so if you do it outside, it’s less messy. Sadly, we got rained out on Saturday (we were supposed to be there until Monday) and had to bail and head home. We were so tired by the time we got back after packing up in a hurry and in the rain that we just grabbed some take out and called it a day. But, Cinqo de Mayo was now upon us, and we had already made the marinade and seitan for the Peruvian Skewers from Viva Vegan. We bring this kind of stuff camping with us and cook it on our little Weber grill. Since it was STILL raining and we have nowhere to grill at our apartment building, we used the grill pan. Seth made the steamed red seitan recipe (also in VV) on Wednesday night and it was perfect. Yay for Seth’s first batch of seitan! He also made the marinade on Wednesday and we just left out the oil until the last minute so it wouldn’t congeal in the cooler (now fridge). I just cut up the seitan, pepper and onion, boiled the potatoes and skewered everything up. Since the pan can only hold a few skewers at a time, we do it in batches and keep them warm in the toaster oven. We had a ton of corn on hand since we’d brought it with us camping to share with our friends and had to leave before we had time, so we grilled that in the pan and called it dinner. It was super good, even if we weren’t in the woods.
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