Sunday, June 23 Corn and Black-Eyed Pea Cakes with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce Rating: 4 - VEGANesp

Sunday, June 23 Corn and Black-Eyed Pea Cakes with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce Rating: 4

We got a big, giant bunch of Red Russian Kale from the farm and since I’d never had that variety, I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. I decided that I would just cook it in broth like I do with collards for Seth. I also had some beet greens and whatnot, so I added those to it as well. I also added some potatoes and carrot to it. Since we were having a nice Southern bowl of greens, I decided we needed a Southern entrée to go with it. So I pulled out Cookin’ Crunk and found a recipe for Corn and Black-Eyed Pea cakes with roasted red pepper sauce. Since we love corn and black-eyed peas, and the recipe described these as more like fritters, I was in. I made the red pepper sauce in the Vitamix (you could use any food processor or blender) and I really should have made a half batch because we ended up with a lot. Still, it was delicious. The cakes were fluffy and yummy and the sauce was a perfect flavor accompaniment. You should make these. 

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