Thursday, July 25 Tofu Chimichurri, Corn, Squash and Salvadoran Slaw Rating: 4 - VEGANesp

Thursday, July 25 Tofu Chimichurri, Corn, Squash and Salvadoran Slaw Rating: 4

We had some leftover slaw in the fridge and really needed to use it up. Since I’d used a mix of different cabbages, include purple, the entire thing had turned, well, purple. When it was fresh it was really colorful though – I’d used different color carrots from the CSA and everything. Anyway, it’s one of my favorite recipes when I need a quick vegetable side for a Latin-style meal. We also got more squash, this time bi-color, in the CSA box so I decided to use that in calabacitas (mixed squash sauté). I modified the recipe by just using the one kind of squash, which also called for a sweet winter squash like butternut. So mine was really more of a one-squash sauté as opposed to mixed, but still, it was tasty. It uses squash, onions, tomato and corn. I also left out the corn since we were having corn on the cob – something else we’d gotten a ton of in the CSA box. I also made chimichurri tofu. It’s great because it doesn’t have to marinate, but it does take a fair amount of time because it needs to be pressed and then baked before adding the chimichurri sauce and baking it again.  The sauce is basically parsley, oil & seasoning which baked into a paste-like crust on the tofu. It’s really good. I even like the leftovers cold. Oh, and this was a Viva Vegan meal – my go to book for all recipes Latin. 

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