Brunch at… SLUGGO’S!
Rating: 5
Um. Yeah. We went to Sluggo’s again. They used to be closed on Sundays, but once they started opening for brunch, it was game on. Normally, we stop there for lunch on the day we get to Chatty, usually a Saturday, and then head to Seth’s mom’s place. Now that we can get brunch on the way out, we uh, do. In addition to a pretty extensive regular brunch menu, they always do specials too one of which is always a waffle sandwich. Last time we went I got the quiche special (which also came with tomato bisque and salad) and I ate so much I was in pain for most of the ride home. This time, I planned ahead and wore looser pants. (I wish I was joking about this, but I have zero self-control when it comes to their food.) Seth got the waffle sandwich last time, which was a BLT. It looked amazing, but was also humongous. I was an inch from getting the waffle sandwich this time because it was that effing amazing not-crab cake, but then I remembered how big the waffles are and decided against it. The other special (which I’m failing to recall now) also sounded good, but came with way too much on the platter. We both ended up ordering from the regular brunch menu and I am so glad we did. I got the squash omelet, which is not as you’d think a tofu omelet filled with squash. Oh no no no. It is, in fact an omelet made from a squash batter, which is filled with onion, green pepper, mushrooms and optional soy or cashew cheese and soy sausage. I opted to restrain myself and just added cashew cheese. It also comes with a side of grits (ick) or hash browns (yay), toast and a salad. And a slice of melon. Yeah. So much for not getting too much food, right? Especially when they brought it out and I swear it was the equivalent of an omelet made from half a dozen eggs.

I was curious and excited because this thing sounded really good, but… squash batter? Oh great and powerful food gods! I thought I’d died and gone to vegan food heaven. I immediately started analyzing it in my head trying to figure out how they’d done it because I want to try to do this at home. Speaking of home. I ended up getting a box and taking half of the omelet and hash browns back to ATL. I couldn’t even begin to finish this plate of food. And the hash browns? They put kale in them. I’m in love. Seth got the migas, baked tofu scramble topped with salsa and guac and served with corn tortillas. He also got the hash browns for a side and his came with salad and melon too. I tried a bite and it was delicious. I was actually going to order this dish before I decided to go for it on the omelet. They were both really good, and I’m not sure which I would say was better. Probably the omelet, but the migas was amazing too. And yes, we totally had beer with our breakfast. What? It was after 12:00! Seriously guys, if you’re in Chatty, go to Sluggo’s. Once you do, you’ll understand how we can eat multiple times there in a couple of days’ time. A friend of ours just went for lunch for the first time last week and declared it to be the best food she’s ever eaten. We’ve decided that they do this through witchcraft.
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