Beyond Meat Chipotle Not-Chicken Salad Subs & Potato Salad - VEGANesp

Beyond Meat Chipotle Not-Chicken Salad Subs & Potato Salad

Saturday, October 19

Beyond Meat Chipotle Not-Chicken Salad Subs & Potato Salad

Rating: 4.25

So this post won’t be so much about our dinner as it will be about our day. We started the day in a mad dash to make sandwiches for lunch and dinner (more on why we needed those later) and get to the Farm Sanctuary Walk for Farm Animals on time. The walk was great and we got to see a lot of friends as well as meet a few new people. Atlanta was almost 200 people strong and raised over $17,000 to support Farm Sanctuary’s life saving work. Way to represent Atlanta! There was food from places like Dough Bakery and Loving Hut, as well as a raffle of different hand made jewelry, V-Dog vegan dog food and whatnot. We won a pretty little raffle prize, which is I think the first time we’ve ever won a raffle. Before the walk there was a yoga warm up, and two guest speakers, Leigh Saluzzi, Director of Atlanta Veg Fest and Melody Paris from GARP and host of Second Opinion Radio

Car Goes Fast!
Car Goes Fast!

As soon as the walk was over, we had to get in our car and zoom up the interstate to Road Atlanta where our friend Spencer Pumpelly was driving in the Petit Le Mans. We met Spencer and his wife, Lindsay, at Vegan Drinks, and as luck would have it, they live in our neighborhood and are two of the nicest people you could ever meet. And yes, since we met them at Vegan Drinks, it is safe to assume they are also vegans. Spencer says that the engineers who work on his car were thrilled when he went vegan because he lost 20 pounds – and they are always looking for ways to take weight out of the car.  So the reason we needed lunch & dinner? The race goes on for about 10 hours. For lunch I just made wraps with Tofurky, Daiya Swiss, lettuce, tomato, red onion, Veganaise & mustard (on whole wheat tortillas). They were pretty good, if I do say so myself. Once we got there, we found Lindsay and her family, who were kind enough to share space with us under their canopy. The weather wasn’t cooperating and there was light rain into the early afternoon, but it was so good to spend time with Lindsay, her parents and her sister– she even had their baby with her (this was his fourth race) and the noise didn’t bother him one bit. 

Speaking of the race, when we got there, we were excited to hear that Spencer’s team was in second place and that he had gotten them the pole position in Friday’s qualifying session. Since it’s a long race and it wasn’t Spencer’s turn to drive when we arrived, we walked around a bit and looked at some of the cars being displayed, which was fun. After a while we went back down to the canopy to watch Spencer drive. It’s pretty cool to see a car go by that fast and know it’s your friend driving it. It’s also a little nerve-wracking, because you can’t help but worry a bit - they are going pretty damn fast. The team was back in first when Spencer took the wheel again and he was able to get way out ahead of the other cars in his class, but there was a caution with just a few laps to go and there were a few cars that caught up to him. He held on, though and finished first in his class! Way to go Spencer! Must be the Vegan Super Powers. Either that or, you know, talent and hard work…

Oh, and for dinner I made some Chipotle Beyond Meat salad subs (I used leftover Chipotle Aoili from Thursday) and some potato salad. They were good, but like I said, this really wasn’t about the food anyway.


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