Sunday, November 10
Salt & Pepper Tofu Tacos with Ginger-Scallion Slaw
Rating: 4.25
No.We're still not tired of Asian tofu meals. A few weeks ago, we made the Salt & Pepper Tofu recipe in Color Me Vegan. I’d wanted to try it for a while, but I was afraid it would be bland. It wasn’t. We loved it. Rika at Vegan Miam said she likes it on a bun, which got me thinking. Not only would this make a great sandwich, but what about a taco? We love fusion tacos, so I decided to give it a go. We were exhausted after Saturday at Atlanta Veg Fest, so I wanted something easy to make. Enter the salt & pepper tofu taco. When I made the tofu the first time, I made two sauces to go with it: the chili-tamari and the ginger-scallion. We liked them both, but since I was making tacos, I wanted a dressing for the cabbage we were going to use in them. I decided the ginger- scallion would be better for that so it was the one I used this time around. I shredded the cabbage (I just thinly slice it on a mandolin) and then tossed it with about half of the sauce and let it sit for a couple of hours. The sitting was really just because I made it ahead of time before we met up with some friends for a beer. It was just as good freshly tossed without the soaking time. I can never find actual scallions, so I always just use green onions, and I added extra for the slaw. Shredded or julienned carrots would also be good in it. For the tofu, I used less oil than the recipe calls for and less than I used last time. I did a better job frying the tofu this time too. It was crispy, but not too crispy – some pieces got a bit chewy last time. I like the tofu cooked with a bit of the sauce at the end because it gives it a nice glaze, so I added the remaining sauce to the pan at the end. Becky from Glue & Glitter suggested baking the tofu instead of frying. I think it could work, but it would need to be slightly damp to make the spice mix adhere to the strips of tofu. Maybe toss the tofu in a little bit of oil first? I may try it that way next time to see how it goes. It would certainly be healthier! We used soft flour tortillas here. I think corn tortillas (soft or crunchy) would be out of place with the Asian flavors here, but if you use them, let me know if it’s good! We were beat and not all that hungry, so we just had the tacos, but I think a cold Asian salad on the side would be great here. And see? That was three meals in a row that were NOT from Isa Does It.
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Susan (Wednesday, 13 November 2013 23:47)
I have looked at that salt and pepper tofu recipe many times with curiosity, but I always find myself suspicious of salt and pepper tofu recipes. Glad to hear that it was tasty.
Elena (Thursday, 14 November 2013 07:08)
The Color Me Vegan salt & pepper tofu recipe is the first one I've tried. I'd never had tofu prepared this way until a year or so ago at a Vietnamese place called So Ba in East Atlanta. Now I love it. I like to use leftover tofu (when there is any!) in salads for lunch.