Get Well Fast Chickpea and Rice Soup and Fresh Baguettes - VEGANesp

Get Well Fast Chickpea and Rice Soup and Fresh Baguettes

Wednesday, January 8

Get Well Fast Chickpea and Rice Soup and Fresh Baguettes


Rating: 4.25

Neither one of us was sick, but it was still dastardly cold outside, so I made a big batch of soup from The Great Vegan Bean Book. It’s easy to make, just cook some beans, chop some veggies and throw it all in a pot for a while. This one is really hearty with the chickpeas and brown rice, and yummy with all the garlic. It also makes a lot, and as the recipe suggested, we put some of the leftovers in the freezer to have handy when we wanted a quick bowl of soup. I made a fresh batch of baguettes from this really easy and delicious recipe. You need enough time to let it rise, but if you start it first and then get the soup going, you should have enough time to do both. The bread takes about 90 minutes total (the recipe on the site doesn’t include the rising time in it’s “total time”), and the soup just over an hour, including simmering. Next time I make the bread, I plan to make it into 4 smaller loaves, rather than the 2 larger ones. Also, I cook this at 400 and I moisten the loaves before they go into the oven in order to get the crust crispier. I made a quick side salad to have with this, just to get some extra veggies.




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