Wednesday, February 19
Roasted Veggies and Pita
Rating: 4.25
We got our first delivery from Vegetable Husband! If you’re not familiar with VH, it’s a home-delivery service that brings you a basket of local, organic vegetables and fruits every week. Yes. Delivered. To your house. We did a CSA last year and we loved it, but they didn’t have an autumn or winter option and we’ve really missed having the fresh local veg, so we signed up. This week’s basket contained 2 very large grapefruits, a bunch of chard, a huge bunch of green onions, a bag of carrots, a huge green pepper, a bag of pea shoots (yay!), a small bunch of parsley and 2 large eggplants. I love eggplant. Seth does not. Since he was out of town for dinner, I knew what I’d be having. I actually had not planned any dinners beyond Tuesday since I didn’t know what would be in the basket. I had a bag of mini yellow, orange and red bell peppers along with a little bit of zucchini in the fridge. I picked up a portobello cap to add to the mix and roasted veggies it is! I didn’t use a recipe for this, I just cut the bell peppers in half lengthwise and cut one of the eggplants, the zucchini, mushroom and a large onion into big chunks, mixed it all up with about 1 ½ tablespoons of olive oil and some oregano, basil, marjoram, salt and pepper. I meant to put a bunch of garlic in there but totally forgot. (HOW DID I FORGET GARLIC?!) It turned out really good, mostly because I really love roasted eggplant. I had some pita in the freezer and tore pieces off of it, loaded veggies on and at it that way. This concoction would be really good as a sandwich with some hummus or white bean spread. There was a lot left over, so I’ll have some lunches out of this too. Yay!
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