Sunday, June 1
Garlicky Thyme Tempeh, Sautéed Kale with Leeks & Garlic Scapes and Grilled Corn
Rating: 4.25
We scored some really pretty kale at the farmers market along with some garlic scapes (and a million other things). Sometimes simple is best, so I decided to sauté the kale with the garlic scapes and add the leeks from the Vegetable Husband basket. I just roughly chopped the kale and garlic scapes and sliced the leeks. I let the leeks cook in a little olive oil for a bit, then added the garlic scapes and then the kale, plus a little salt and pepper. Voila! Simple yummy side dish. We already had some corn in the fridge, so that was a no-brainer. I just pop it in the grill pan and turn it every few minutes. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to cook. The tempeh was also really simple if you don’t mind pulling thyme leaves off the stems. I used this recipe from Isa Does It and the PPK site. I let ours marinate for about five hours so it would soak up all the garlicky-thymey goodness. I added it to the grill pan when the corn was about halfway done and grilled it for about 7 minutes per side. (You steam it before marinating.) The recipe says it’s good tucked into sandwiches, as a topping to pasta or salads, or with gravy alongside mashed potatoes, but I just served it as is and it was delicious. I think I’ve finally conquered my fear of tempeh.
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