Tuesday, December 4 Gardein Burgers, Potato Wedges (or fries) and Salad Rating: 4 - VEGANesp

Tuesday, December 4 Gardein Burgers, Potato Wedges (or fries) and Salad Rating: 4

I had planned to try a new recipe, but after a spectacular fail recently (that shall remain un-blogged) I was a little nervous, so I took the easy way out and made Gardein burgers. Seth likes potato wedges, but I’m more of a fries girl, so I made some of each. My new favorite thing is Parma (Chipotle Cayenne flavor). It’s awesome on fries, wedges, popcorn, whatever else holds still long enough… Anyway – I tossed the wedges in olive oil, oregano, garlic salt and paprika. The fries got olive oil, seasoned salt, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper and Parma. They were yum. We topped the burgers with the usual suspects of Nayonaise, lettuce, tomato and red onion. The special guest this evening on the burgers was cheese I ordered via Vegan Cuts from Pure Market Express. Oh. My. God. The sampler I ordered had Gouda (my personal favorite – try it on apple slices; you’re welcome), cheddar, tomato basil, cilantro jalapeño and several others – each as yummy as the next. Seth went with the tomato basil and I had Gouda. The cheeses are soft, more like a spread in consistency, which in my opinion made them perfect for burgers.



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