Saturday, August 31 Burgers & Fries Rating: 3.75 - VEGANesp

Saturday, August 31 Burgers & Fries Rating: 3.75

There’s nothing wrong with burgers and the rating on these is really just because, they’re well, frozen veggie burgers. I had other plans for dinner, but we got sidetracked. Seth has done video work as a volunteer for the Captain Planet Foundation for years. Barbara Pyle, one of the creators of the Captain Planet cartoon series organizes a group to march in the Dragoncon parade. We first did it a few years ago and had a blast. Seth shoots video of the group and crowd as we march. If you’re not familiar with this event, seriously look into it – it’s HUGE. Anyway, when you march in the parade, you have to get at least a day pass to the con. While we’re huge sci-fi fans, we don’t really rock the con scene. Since we had passes anyway, we decided to look around a little after the parade (I almost wet myself in the “Walk of Fame” room when I saw so many actors from Star Trek - original series, TNG and DS9 - and Battlestar Galactica ALL IN ONE PLACE, IN PERSON). It was so much fun, we decided to come back later. In costume. Yes We have costumes on hand for just such occasions. I did a Twitter poll and since my Lt. Uhura costume (original series, not the new movie) no longer fits – I left it between Princess Leia (Episode 4 white dress & cinnamon buns) and Katniss Everdeen (arena clothes & props from the book, not movie). Twitter declared Katniss the victor (heh). I was glad since this is the easier of the two. Seth went with his pirate outfit and we were set. But, all of this meant I needed an easier and faster dinner plan. Enter the Gardein Beefless burger. As far as frozen burgers go, these are far and away our favorites, and if you need to convince an omni that veggie burgers are as cool as bowties, fezzes and Stetsons (yes, my geek is showing), then these are the burgers to do it with. We topped them with some Daiya cheese (Seth had pepperjack & I had cheddar), lettuce, tomato, onion, Veganaise and Dijon. Seth made some potato wedges for us using two different kinds of potatoes we had on hand. Costumed, fed and with props in hand, out the door to Geek Prom (Heroes and Villains Ball) we went. If you ask really, really nicely, I may be persuade to post pics of each of us with a certain blue box…


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