Angel Hair with Zombie Sauce & Veggies and More Bread - VEGANesp

Angel Hair with Zombie Sauce & Veggies and More Bread


Sunday, November 24

Angel Hair with Zombie Sauce & Veggies and More Bread

Rating: 4.5

Brrrr! It messed around and got chilly out here in Atlanta. Hotlanta, my ass. (By the way, no one who lives here calls it Hotlanta.) We were going to make a veggie & lentil curry for dinner, but Seth had the idea that on a cold day like this one, we should fill the house with the warmth & yummy smell of roasting garlic and a slow simmering red sauce. Oh, and some freshly baked bread. No arguments here. Yes. I just made bread on Friday. I can’t seem to stop myself. Seth cooked this one (except the bread) and he knocked it out of the park. A while back, he discovered The Vegan Zombie, and things haven’t been the same since. This tomato sauce recipe (which we call zombie sauce & also has a handy video) takes a little bit of prep work, but it’s well worth it. Seth likes to puree it for a minute or so with an immersion blender, and also to cook it for longer so that it thickens up more. It’s really delicious and you can doctor it up and way you like. We like to serve it over pasta with some sautéed veggies, like spinach and broccoli. For the bread, I used this recipe, which was easy to make and came out really good. I baked it at a higher temperature (400 instead of 375) and also coated the top with some water before I put it in the oven so that it would get a crustier outside. I may do it at 425 the next time though, because it wasn’t quite as crusty as I wanted. I also put a small baking pan with some water in it in the oven (which I learned about when I made the ciabatta on Friday). The fresh, hot bread with roasted garlic spread on it was a really nice touch on a chilly Sunday night. Oh, and just a side note to all the “French bread” recipes I saw on the interwebs – in France, bread can only contain 4 ingredients: water, yeast, flour and salt. By. Law. There is no honey. There is no egg. There is no milk. Stop calling it French bread if you’re adding that shit, people. (So I guess technically, the one I made isn't legit either since it has olive oil and sugar in it. Whatever.) We normally make a salad with pasta, but we may or may not have forgotten to set aside a tomato when the sauce got going, so, uh, yeah. No salad. And yes, I did watch more Doctor Who in the afternoon. What? They played “The Doctor’s Wife” episode. OK, Eleven isn’t my favorite Doctor, but I do love Neil Gaiman, and the voice he gave to the TARDIS was just gorgeous.


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